Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the HETS

The Higher Education Talent Skill (HETS) Search Program is a unique initiative designed to identify and nurture talented 12th-grade students across India. It offers a platform to showcase your skills and talents beyond academics, providing opportunities for scholarships and recognition.

The HETS STAR is open to all students currently in the 12th grade, from any stream (Science, Commerce, Arts, and Vocational studies).

The HETS STAR assesses a range of abilities beyond just academic knowledge. It includes evaluations of your creative thinking, problem-solving skills, and practical application abilities, aiming to provide a holistic view of your potential. Successful participants can earn scholarships and connect with prestigious universities.

Yes, participants can appear for multiple disciplines, each with its own separate tests.

Scholarships vary each year and can range from partial to full tuition coverage at partner universities. Detailed information about the scholarships will be available on our website and during the registration process. The total scholarship corpus among all Partner Universities is INR 55 Cr, covering 2500 seats.

The HETS STAR assesses a range of abilities beyond just academic knowledge. It includes evaluations of your creative thinking, problem-solving skills, and practical application abilities, aiming to provide a holistic view of your potential.

Participants can register for the HETS STAR at HETS Registration. Fill out the necessary details, submit the required documents, and pay the registration fee.


After registration, you will receive all the necessary information and resources to prepare for the challenge via email. This includes updates about the test schedule.

The HETS STAR will be conducted on 22nd and 29th June, 2024, in online format. Specific details about the online platform will be provided closer to the date.

Results from the HETS Challenge will be used to identify potential scholarship recipients and connect talented students with our partner universities. Your performance will provide valuable insights into your strengths and help guide your future educational journey.

If you want to make changes to your application, you can write to us at

If you do not receive an email confirmation within 24 hours of registering, please check your spam folder. If it’s not there, contact our support team at for assistance.

The specifics of the scholarship, such as coverage for tuition, cost of living, and boarding, depend on the awarding university. These details will be discussed with the awarding university upon scholarship offer.

Your profile will be reviewed by us and depending on your profile and interests, participating universities who are interested in your application will contact you for potential scholarships.

Admission processes vary from university to university. Here are some common options:

  1. Pay Full Fees: Secure your admission by paying the full fees upfront.
  2. Pay a Fixed Amount: Some universities allow you to secure admission by paying a fixed amount.
  3. EMI Option: Certain universities offer the option to pay admission fees in instalments (EMI).

Example 1: If the total fees are ₹1,00,000 and you pay ₹20,000 to secure admission, and you later receive a 60% scholarship, the remaining amount you need to pay will be ₹20,000 after the scholarship is applied.

Example 2: If you pay ₹1,00,000 in fees and are awarded a 50% scholarship, the university will rebate ₹50,000 to you.

If your scholarship covers less than the admission fee you paid, the university will rebate the difference. For example, if you paid ₹1,00,000 and received a 40% scholarship, you will get a rebate of ₹40,000.

If your scholarship amount exceeds the initial admission fee, the excess amount may be refunded to you, credited towards future fees, deposited into your student account, or reallocated based on your institution’s policies. Check with univsersity’s admission office for specific details.

Securing admission ensures your place at the university while the scholarship decision is pending. It prevents you from missing out on an academic year and allows you to start your studies on time. Once the scholarship is granted, your fees will be adjusted accordingly.

Limited Seats Available

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