What is HETS Scholarship Test?

How Scholarships are Awarded?

The Higher Education Talent Search (HETS) Test is designed to identify and nurture outstanding talent in 12th Grade students, assessing a blend of academic knowledge and essential modern skills. This test aims to award scholarships to students who excel both academically and in their ability to solve real-world problems.

Besides, you should also be clearing admission criteria for partner universities you are interested in.

Scholarship Details

  • Full Scholarships: Cover upto 100% of tuition fees at partner universities.
  • Partial Scholarships: Offer significant tuition fee reductions, making education more accessible.
  • Tech Rewards: Winners may also receive the latest gadgets like smartphones and laptops.
  • Super Stars: Top 2%, Full Scholarship: Upto 90-100% tuition
  • All-Rounders: Top 5%, Partial Scholarship: Upto 80-90% tuition coverage
  • Rising Stars: Top 10%, Significant Scholarship: Upto 50-80% tuition coverage
  • Shining Stars: Top 25%, Merit-Based Scholarship: Upto 40-50% tuition coverage

Assessment Framework

Uncover the criteria that set our scholars apart.

Cognitive and Aptitude Skills

• Research and Analytical Skills
• Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning
• Problem-solving and "Jugaad"
• Innovation and Creativity

Personality and Interpersonal Skills

• Leadership and Initiative
• Personal Qualities, "Hustle Mentality," and Resilience
• Communication Skills

Contextual Awareness

• Global Awareness
• Technical Proficiency

Sample Questions

The HETS Test is conducted through a rigorous assessment process tailored to each discipline, and students receive a HETS SET Score for each discipline they select, reflecting their proficiency and potential in their chosen fields.

Sample questions 

  1. Which approach would likely yield the most creative solution to designing energy-efficient homes in an urban area?

    A) Following traditional architectural styles that have proven effective.
    B) Encouraging residents to share their ideas based on their living experiences.
    C) Adopting energy-saving techniques from other climates and adapting them to the urban environment.
    D) Investing in the most advanced construction materials available.

  2. A building is designed with 5 floors. Each floor has 4 offices. If two offices on the first floor are converted into one large conference room, how many offices are there now in the building?

    A) 20
    B) 18
    C) 19
    D) 17

  3. A client requests a last-minute change to a design that you believe will compromise the project’s integrity. What is the best approach to handle this situation?

    A) Implement the change without question as the client demands it
    B) Explain the potential impact of the change and suggest alternatives
    C) Refuse to make any changes as it impacts the project’s integrity
    D) Delay the project to accommodate the change

  4. Write a brief email to a potential client to propose a meeting where you can discuss their vision for a new residential project.
  5. What should an architect do when faced with unforeseen construction challenges?

    A) Collaborate with the construction team to identify and implement viable solutions
    B) Proceed according to the original plan as challenges keep coming in such projects
    C) Assign responsibility to the construction team for unforeseen issues and ask them to resolve it
    D) Pause the project until all challenges are comprehensively addressed

  6. For a renovation project in a historic district, what is the best way to start your research?

    A) Interview and gather data from local historians 
    B) Visit similar historic sites in other cities
    C) Review historical records and archives related to the site
    D) Look at old photographs of the area.

  7. What would be a critical architectural approach to improving air quality in urban environments?

    A) Increasing the use of air conditioning systems
    B) Sealing buildings tightly to prevent
    C) Incorporating green walls and urban forests outdoor air from entering
    D) Using more reflective materials to reduce heat absorption

  8. What would be a critical architectural approach to improving air quality in urban environments?

    A) Increasing the use of air conditioning systems
    B) Using more reflective materials to reduce heat absorption
    C) Sealing buildings tightly to prevent outdoor air from entering
    D) Incorporating green walls and urban forests

  9. If given an opportunity to lead a project to renovate a historic building. Outline two strategies you will use to be an effective leader.

Sample questions are in the pipeline! Stay tuned!

Sample Questions
  1. How should a leader approach the introduction of a new technological tool that could enhance company operations but requires significant training?
    A) Mandate its use immediately and schedule training later.
    B) Phase the tool in slowly while simultaneously offering training sessions.
    C) Await employee feedback before deciding on any training.
    D) Provide optional training for interested employees only.
  1. When trying to persuade a team to adopt a new process, what communication style is most effective?
    A) Presenting extensive data and research to prove the new process’s effectiveness.
    B) Highlighting how the new process has been successful elsewhere.
    C) Asserting authority to ensure compliance with the new process.
    D) Allowing the team to decide if and when they will implement the new process.
  1. When faced with a sudden shortfall in inventory before a major sale event, what is the most effective immediate action?
    A) Cancel the sale event to avoid customer dissatisfaction.
    B) Quickly source additional inventory from a costlier supplier to meet demand.
    C) Offer vouchers to customers promising availability at a later date.
    D) Reduce the advertising intensity for the sale to decrease customer turnout.
  1. A company is facing a decline in market share due to emerging competitors. Propose 3 solutions.
  1. In accounting, what is the effect of depreciating an asset on a company’s balance sheet?
    A) Increases total assets.
    B) Reduces net income.
    C) No effect on net income, only affects assets.
    D) Increases net income.
  1. What is the primary concern of emerging markets if the US dollar strengthens?
    A) Increased export competitiveness
    B) Lower import costs
    C) Higher debt servicing costs
    D) Increased foreign direct investment
  1. A freelance graphic designer receives critical feedback from a major client about a project. What is the most resilient response?
    A) Justify the design decisions based on the initial brief.
    B) Request specific examples of what didn’t meet expectations.
    C) Offer a discount on the next project.
    D) Offer a revision of the project with a minor discount.
  1. What is a crucial step in conducting market research for a new product?
    A) Selecting a diverse focus group to gain a variety of perspectives.
    B) Identifying a target demographic and their specific needs.
    C) Developing a strong brand identity to test market reaction.
    D) Utilizing both online and offline surveys to maximize reach

Sample Questions

  1. What is an effective leadership approach in managing a design team working on a complex project?
    A) Assign all decision-making to the most experienced team member.
    B) Encourage collaboration and input from all team members.
    C) Limit discussions to save time and avoid delays.
    D) Focus on quick completion rather than thoroughness.
  2. What impact does globalization have on design trends?
    A) Design trends are increasingly homogenized globally.
    B) Local design trends dominate over global influences.
    C) Global influences are resisted in most local markets.
    D) There is no significant impact of globalization on design trends.
  3. What initiative could a leader take to foster innovation within a design team?
    A) Implementing strict guidelines to streamline design processes.
    B) Scheduling regular brainstorming sessions to generate ideas.
    C) Discouraging experimentation to maintain consistency.
    D) Focusing only on proven design methods to reduce risks.
  4. Which method would be most effective for evaluating the success of a new clothing line within a boutique?
    A) Comparing the first week’s sales figures to those of established brands.
    B) Monitoring sales trends and customer feedback for the first three months.
    C) Relying solely on the boutique owner’s initial impressions.
    D) Waiting a year to evaluate the overall performance before making any haste judgments.
  5. In the face of unexpected changes in project requirements, how should a designer maintain project momentum?
    A) Stick strictly to the initial plan to avoid confusion.
    B) Adapt to changes while keeping the project’s core objectives in mind.
    C) Stop the project to assess whether continuation is feasible.
    D) Reduce the quality standards to meet the new requirements quickly.
  6. What is a practical approach when you need to quickly prototype a product design but lack the specific materials usually required?
    A) Cancel the prototyping phase until proper materials are available.
    B) Use similar, less ideal materials to create a preliminary model.
    C) Wait for a budget increase to purchase the necessary materials.
    D) Outsource the prototyping to a professional service.
  7. 2. In preparing a market analysis for a design project, what is essential to understand about the target audience?
    A) Their preferences for design aesthetics based on the most recent fads.
    B) The demographic characteristics and lifestyle preferences.
    C) Their previous purchasing decisions only.
    D) The income levels of the top 10% of the target audience.
  8. 1. When participating in an online discussion, what is the most effective way to present your argument?
    A) Use complex vocabulary to impress others.
    B) Base your arguments on verified data and logical reasoning.
    C) Speak louder and more frequently than others.
    D) Focus on personal beliefs rather than facts.
  9. 2. When choosing colors for a website aimed at children, what principle should guide the design?
    A) Use muted and dark colors to convey seriousness.
    B) Select vibrant and varied colors to stimulate interest.
    C) Stick to black and white to maintain simplicity.
    D) Use only primary colors for better understanding.

Sample Questions
  1. A car’s headlight uses a parabolic reflector with a bulb placed at its focus. When the car is 100 meters away from a wall, what is the shape of the light spot on the wall?
    A) Circle
    B) Parabola
    C) Ellipse
    D) Hyperbola
  1. During a robotics contest, your robot’s primary sensor for obstacle detection stops working. The replacement part is unavailable at the venue. Explain one strategy you could employ using simple materials at hand to ensure the robot can still navigate the course without colliding with obstacles.
  1. In a science fair project, students measure the growth of plants under different coloured lights. What variable is the dependent variable in this experiment?
    A) Type of plant used
    B) Color of the light
    C) Growth rate of the plants
    D) Amount of water given
  1. Which of the following would be an innovative approach to increase the cooling efficiency of an air conditioner without significant cost?
    A) Increasing the size of the external unit
    B) Using a reflective coating on the external unit
    C) Adding more coolant to the system
    D) Decreasing the thermostat setting
  1. Which method would be most effective for researching the impact of plastic waste on ocean ecosystems?
    A) Conducting surveys on public beaches.
    B) Analyzing satellite images of oceans.
    C) Sampling water and soil from various ocean depths.
    D) Reviewing existing literature on plastic pollution.
  1. In a professional presentation, what is the most effective way to engage your audience?
    A) Use complex vocabulary to demonstrate expertise
    B) Begin with a story related to the audience’s interests
    C) Provide all data upfront in the introduction
    D) Speak quickly to ensure to cover all points
  1. What role do renewable energy sources play in achieving global sustainability goals?
    A) They reduce dependence on fossil fuels
    B) They increase global energy consumption
    C) They have minimal impact on global warming
    D) They are too costly to implement on a large scale
  1. During a group project, your team struggles to agree on a design approach for a model bridge. As the group leader, what is the best way to facilitate a decision?
    A) Vote on each design and choose the one with the most votes.
    B) Discuss the pros and cons of each design to combine the best elements of all suggestions.  
    C) Choose the simplest design to ensure the project is completed on time.
    D) Implement the design suggested by the most vocal team member to avoid conflict.
  1. Which action demonstrates resilience when a team project is criticized heavily by a supervisor?
    A) Requesting a different supervisor’s opinion to validate the original approach.
    B) Temporarily shelving the project to focus on other less controversial projects.
    C) Analyzing the feedback and making necessary adjustments.
    D) Explain why the criticism might not be applicable to the project’s goals.

Sample questions

  1. Which method is most effective for generating truly original ideas in a collaborative filmmaking project?

    A) Conducting brainstorming sessions with strict guidelines
    B) Encouraging freeform brainstorming without criticism
    C) Following a proven idea-generation template
    D) Limiting input to the project leader’s vision

  2. What aspect of a performance is most likely to make it memorable?
    A) The actor’s personal fame and charisma.
    B) The authenticity and depth of the portrayal.
    C) The number of lines spoken by the leading actor.
    D) The actor’s physical appearance and personality.
  3. You need to collaborate with a composer for your film’s soundtrack. How do you ensure clear communication of your vision?
    A) Provide a mood board and discuss the emotions each scene should convey
    B) Allow the composer to create whatever they want with limited information about the film
    C) Write detailed music notes and email them to the composer
    D) Update your vision often to keep the composer flexible
  4. Analytical problems:
    Your film’s target audience is not responding well to the test screenings. Propose 3 solutions to adjust the film based on audience feedback.
  5. A key member of your film crew unexpectedly quits. How do you handle this situation?
    A) Redistribute the workload till you find a replacement
    B) Temporarily pause the project until a new member is found
    C) Let the team manage without the missing member for time being
    D) Make sure you complete all the work on behalf of the member who quit
  6. During the final stages of the project, you discover a critical flaw that affects the entire project. How do you manage this discovery?
    A) Note the flaw and proceed as per the original plan.
    B) Develop a corrective plan and communicate it to the team.
    C) Review the flaw and implement minor adjustments.
    D) Delay the project to address the flaw in detail.
  7. After several rejections from film festivals, you are advised to change the genre of your film to increase its appeal. What is your course of action?
    A) Stick to your original vision and continue submitting.
    B) Make minor genre adjustments to fit the advice given.
    C) Overhaul the film to fit a more popular genre instead.
    D) Consult with industry professionals before making changes.
  8. The term “World Cinema” typically refers to films:
    A) Produced by Hollywood studios
    B) Produced outside the United States
    C) That have won international awards
    D) That are released simultaneously worldwide
  9. You are tasked with analyzing audience feedback on a test screening. What is the most effective first step?
    A) Focus on the most positive feedback.
    B) Identify common themes in the feedback.
    C) Ignore outlier comments and focus on the average.
    D) Get group feedback by scene or sequence.

Sample questions are in the pipeline! Stay tuned!

Sample questions

  1. You are evaluating two locations for a new boutique hotel. What is the most important type of data to analyze first?
    A) Historical weather patterns of each location.
    B) Current real estate market trends in each area.
    C) Average tourist influx and seasonal occupancy rates.
    D) Local restaurant and entertainment options.
  2. A competitor has released a product that is significantly outperforming yours. What is an effective strategic response?

    A) Lower the price of your product to make it more competitive.
    B) Improve your product based on customer feedback and market analysis.
    C) Increase marketing efforts to boost visibility and sales.
    D) Disregard the competitor’s success and continue business as usual.
  3. Reimagine the dining experience in a hotel setting to cater to the modern guest’s desire for unique and interactive dining options. Propose three creative dining concepts or services that could be introduced to transform the hotel’s culinary offerings and attract both guests and non-guests.
  4. What impact does international trade have on the hospitality industry?

    A) It limits hotel options available in a country
    B) It facilitates a wider variety of food and beverage options in hotels
    C) It reduces the number of international tourists
    D) It increases the costs of hotel construction
  5. Several guests at your hotel have reported inconsistent Wi-Fi service, which is affecting their stay. What two measures would you implement to quickly address and resolve the Wi-Fi issues?
  6. You’re responsible for a charity event at school and notice the expected turnout is much lower than planned. How do you handle the situation to maximize impact?

    A) Use social media to make a real-time appeal for more attendees.
    B) Continue with the event as planned, regardless of attendance.
    C) Cancel parts of the event that require larger crowds.
    D) Express disappointment to attendees about the low turnout.
  7. In a group project, you notice a team member is not contributing. What is your approach to handle the situation as a team leader?

    A) Assign them more tasks to force participation.
    B) Ignore their lack of participation and focus on the contributions of others.
    C) Discuss their interests to find tasks they are passionate about.
    D) Report them to the supervisor or teacher for not participating.
  8. In a team meeting, you notice a conflict arising between two departments. What is your initial step to facilitate effective communication?

    A) Let them resolve it without interfering.
    B) Immediately propose a solution to stop the argument.
    C) Encourage each side to express their perspective.
    D) Report the conflict to higher management.
  9. A hotel wants to reduce its environmental footprint while also improving guest experiences. Which of the following would be a creative solution?

Sample questions

  1. Explain the importance of press freedom in a democratic society to a high school student. Use two real-world examples to illustrate your points.
  2. What technique is most effective for a journalist looking to provide a balanced view on a controversial topic?

    A) Presenting only the most popular side of the argument.
    B) Reporting in a way that supports personal biases to engage like-minded readers.
    C) Gathering and presenting multiple perspectives and evidence from various sources.
    D) Avoiding any potentially divisive or controversial aspects of the topic.
  3. When writing a story about a sensitive social issue, what should a journalist prioritize to maintain ethical standards?

    A) The emotional impact of the story to ensure it goes viral.
    B) Balance and fairness in reporting diverse viewpoints.
    C) The opinion of the media outlet’s major stakeholders.
    D) Speed in publishing the story to beat competitors.
  4. In the aftermath of a natural disaster, what is the best strategy for journalists to provide timely and useful information?

    A) Focus on dramatic stories to capture readers’ attention.
    B) Collaborate with emergency services and provide accurate updates on the situation.
    C) Limit coverage to avoid overwhelming the audience.
    D) Report only on the economic impact of the disaster.
  5. Propose an innovative way to engage audiences with a traditional news topic, such as economics or politics. Describe the approach you would take, including any interactive or participatory elements, and explain how it would make the topic more accessible and interesting to a broader audience.
  6. You are interviewing a victim of a traumatic event, but they are very emotional and hesitant to speak. How should you proceed with the interview?

    a) Press them to continue speaking for the sake of the story.
    b) Respect their emotions, offer comfort, and allow breaks as needed.
    c) End the interview immediately to avoid further distress.
    d) Record the interview without their consent while they are emotional.
  7. You are assigned to lead a new investigative journalism project with a tight deadline and limited resources. What is your strategy to ensure the project’s success?

    a) Work alone to control every aspect of the project.
    b) Delegate tasks based on team members’ expertise and set clear milestones.
    c) Request an extension on the deadline.
    d) Focus only on the most critical aspects and ignore less important details.

Sample questions

  1. Which of the following statements is an example of a logical fallacy?

    A) “If it rains, the ground gets wet. It rained today, so the ground is wet.”
    B) “All humans are mortal. Socrates is a human, so Socrates is mortal.”
    C) “Either we ban all cars, or we will never reduce air pollution.”
    D) “She studies law, so she must be interested in politics.”

  2. In legal writing, which of the following is most important to ensure clarity and effectiveness?

    A) Using complex legal jargon to demonstrate expertise
    B) Writing long sentences with multiple clauses
    C) Being concise and using plain language where possible
    D) Including as many legal citations as possible

  3. What is a primary distinction between primary and secondary legal sources?

    A) Primary sources include law review articles, while secondary sources include statutes
    B) Primary sources provide firsthand evidence, while secondary sources interpret and analyze primary sources
    C) Primary sources are always more recent than secondary sources
    D) Primary sources are easier to find than secondary sources

  4. You are in court and the judge asks a question you are not prepared to answer. What should you do?
    A) Provide a general answer based on your best knowledge.
    B) Request a brief recess to gather your thoughts and respond.
    C) Answer with the information you currently have available.
    D) State you will provide a detailed answer at a later time.
  5. Principle: Whoever intends to take dishonestly (with an intention to cause wrongful loss to another or wrongful gain to himself) any movable property out of the possession of any person without that person’s consent moves that property in order to such taking is said to commit theft.
    Fact: A handed over his watch to B for safekeeping. B sells the watch to C, which he was not authorized to do. B is prosecuted for theft.
    a) B is guilty of theft because he gained from it
    b) B is not guilty of theft because he was in possession of the watch
    c) B is not guilty of theft because A had given him the watch
    d) B is guilty of theft because he caused wrongful loss to A
  6. You are tasked with analyzing the effectiveness of international aid in a developing country. Which factor should you consider most critically?

    A) The amount of aid received per year
    B) The administrative costs of distributing the aid
    C) The long-term economic impact and sustainability of the aid projects
    D) The number of countries providing aid

  7. Tasks-
    Imagine that you are leading a mock trial or moot court team. Outline two methods you will employ to handle team dynamics, coordinate tasks, and achieve your team’s goals.
  8. You are working on a complex legal case and new regulations are introduced that affect it. How do you proceed?
    A) Update your strategy to incorporate the new regulations
    B) Adjust your research to include the new regulations
    C) Discuss the impact of the regulations with your peers
    D) Consult an expert to understand the new regulations
  9. Tasks:
    Create a blueprint for a public awareness campaign about the importance of legal rights and access to justice. Describe the campaign’s strategies and how you would measure its impact.

Sample questions are in the pipeline! Stay tuned!

Sample Question

1. In an experiment to test a new drug, what does a placebo serve as?

A) The experimental treatment
B) A test for side effects
C) A non-active substance for comparison
D) A dose of the active drug

A survey indicates that 70% of people prefer product A over product B. However, the sample size of the survey was only 10 people. What can you conclude about the preference for product A?

A) Product A is definitely better than product B.
B) The survey results are likely unreliable due to the small sample size.
C) Product B is better than product A.
D) The preference for product A is conclusive.
Answer: B

3. When communicating a patient’s treatment plan to their family, what is the best practice?
A) Use complex medical terms to demonstrate your expertise.
B) Provide a clear, concise explanation and check for understanding.
C) Hand them a brochure and leave them to read it.
D) Discuss only the positive aspects of the treatment.

Correct Answer: B)

4. During your internship at a pharmacy, you encounter a task you are not familiar with. What is the best approach?
A) Try to figure it out on your own without asking for help.
B) Ask a more experienced colleague for guidance and learn how to complete the task.
C) Let them know that you are not acquainted with this task and switch to something you know.
D) Give the task to other interns that know how to do it and you take up something else.

Correct Answer: B)

5. A critical piece of lab equipment breaks down right before an important experiment. How do you handle the situation?
A) Pause the experiment and wait for the equipment to be fixed.
B) Find an alternative method or equipment to continue.
C) Reschedule the experiment for a later date.
D) Attempt to fix the equipment yourself without informing anyone.

Correct Answer: B)

6. How should you respond if a patient expresses concerns about their medication side effects?
A) Dismiss their concerns and assure them the medication is safe.
B) Listen to their concerns and discuss potential side effects and solutions.
C) Tell them to stop taking the medication immediately.
D) Refer them to another healthcare provider without addressing the concern.

Correct Answer: B)

Sample Questions
  1. Analyze the potential impacts of removing a species from a food web. Use 2 specific examples to support your discussion.
  1. A technician uses ultrasonic testing to check for defects in railway tracks. What is the primary advantage of this method?
    A) It is inexpensive.
    B) It is non-destructive.
    C) It changes the track properties.
    D) It requires the track to be removed.
  1. To maximize the WiFi range for an online gaming session without buying new equipment, what could you use to enhance the signal strength?
  1. When presented with a claim that ‘eating chocolate improves exam scores,’ what is the most critical step in evaluating the validity of this claim?
    A) Trying it out in a personal experiment
    B) Checking if the study was double-blind
    C) Seeing if the chocolate was dark or milk
    D) Asking friends if they experienced similar results
  1. Task: Write a brief email to a local NGO to inquire about volunteer opportunities for your class. Ensure it is formal, concise, and clear.
  1. Propose an innovative use of AI in urban traffic management in three points. 
  1. What would be a critical scientific contribution to addressing global water scarcity?
    A) Creating more efficient irrigation systems that reduce water usage in agriculture.
    B) Developing new pesticides that increase crop yields.
    C) Engineering plants to grow with minimal light to conserve energy resources.
    D) Synthesizing alternative food sources that require less water.
  1. What initiative should a school leader take to best prepare students for the technological advancements of the 21st century?
    A) Implement coding courses at all levels of education
    B) Focus on traditional teaching methods to strengthen basics
    C) Offer workshops only for interested students in advanced sciences
    D) Limit access to digital devices to encourage face-to-face interaction
  1. What is an effective strategy for a researcher who faces repeated failures in experiments?
    A) Switching to a different research field
    B) Seeking advice and alternative approaches from peers
    C) Keeping strict adherence to initial hypotheses and methods
    D) Decreasing the scope of the research to guarantee results

Sample questions are in the pipeline! Stay tuned!

Here’s what you can expect

Explore Your Abilities

  • Innovation and Creativity: Express your creativity through fun, project-based challenges that let your imagination run wild.
  • Problem-Solving and “Jugaad”: Engage in interesting puzzles and real-life scenarios where your clever solutions can make a difference.
  • Communication Skills: Share your thoughts and ideas through enjoyable activities that feel more like conversations than exams.

Build Your Character

  • Leadership and Initiative: Participate in team activities that highlight your ability to lead and take initiative in a supportive group setting.
  • Personal Qualities, “Hustle Mentality,” and Resilience: Face real-world challenges in a playful way that showcases your determination and adaptability.
  • Global and Technical Awareness: Explore fun tasks that broaden your understanding of the world and technology, tailored to your interests.

No Special Preparation Needed

  • Relax and Be Yourself: The HETS exam is all about your natural abilities, so there’s no need for intense studying. Just come as you are and have fun!
  • Inclusive and Encouraging: We believe everyone has something special to offer. Our exam is designed to highlight your strengths, no matter your background.

Prepare to have fun, be yourself, and take a step towards securing your future with scholarships that recognize and reward real-world skills!

Why It’s Different

Interactive and Dynamic

Say goodbye to boring, silent exam halls. Our assessments are interactive and feel more like exciting activities.

Welcoming and Inclusive

Whether you excel in academics, sports, arts, or anything else, our exam is here to celebrate your unique talents.

Real-World Skills

We focus on practical skills that are useful in everyday life and future careers, not just textbook knowledge.

Tip: Just relax and enjoy the experience. Our goal is to see you at your best, showcasing the skills that make you who you are.

Limited Seats Available

Claim your scholarship now